1.the actions of someone who takes every opportunity to gain an advantage and is willing to behave in an unfair way
1.Slowly and grudgingly the US may finally be starting to close its deficit as well after years of naive Keynesianism and fiscal opportunism.
2.But it was not, thanks to a piece of last-minute opportunism by the most expensively acquired player in the history of French football.
3.During the period when "Left" opportunism was dominant in the Party, this deviation took the form of excessive centralization.
4.A large gray cat eyes are always shining light of opportunism, hunched to one side waiting for an opportunity to attack.
5.If we did not advance when the masses demand advance, that would be Right opportunism.
6.He never missed an opportunity of exposing their opportunism.
7.Mr Aso is unlikely to use the DPJ's disarray to call a snap election. Voters might punish such opportunism.
8.But if not in a solidly Service-to-Other camp, with good defenses, lawlessness and opportunism can be rampant.
9.Those in political power positions desire to eliminate any possibility of political opportunism.
10.Such opportunism, says one true believer disdainfully, is only for Trotskyists.