1.following the official policy of a political party or other organization
2.used for describing a politician who expresses only the official opinion of the political party which they belong to, or for describing the things they say
1.Communication diagrams have no concept of the asynchronous message since its focus is not on message ordering.
2.But it is because of the desire to reduce the communication instead, everything depends on message, rely on the short words is a cold.
3.Another significant aspect of the ESB architectural pattern is its emphasis on message- and event-oriented communication between components.
4.Platoons of on-message spokesmen are available to foreign reporters in Israel at all hours of the night and day.
5.Reducing your production costs is only worthwhile if the ads are in-brand and on-message.
6.Many enterprise architectures rely on message-oriented-middleware systems (MOMs) to channel messages between disparate systems.
7.On message boards and in YouTube videos, young women and teenage girls have been spreading the word about where to buy them.
8.Conversely, connectionless networks don't depend on specific links, but rather on message exchanges between hosts or programs.
9.This model is based on message passing, and is somewhat similar to the actor model used in Erlang and Scala.
10.The system structure, working process and data-communication based on message filtering are introduced.