1.If you were in grade school in the early 90's, you know all about this old-school Apple classic.
2."I'm kind of an old-school naturalist, " she said. "I really believe in immersing yourself in the environment of the animal. "
3.APTERA is certainly not the sort of name an old-school carmaker would give to its newest creation.
4.Trying to turn an old-school Madison Avenue institution into something different is a lot more difficult.
5.I mean can't we just kick this old school? You know, like I, I stick the baby in a basket and send it your way. Like Moses in the reeds.
6.I don't want to leave school, because my old school life was full of fun and I had many good friends in my old school.
7.Eventually an old school friend approached him and invited him home to meet his wife and two-year-old daughter.
8.I wanted to keep him old school, with check shirts, but make it a little bit more interesting.
9.The police got to what was once an old school that the peasants use as a store now.
10.I really enjoy the time practicing with him on the court, when he's drilling me like real good old school , I would say.