1.In OLAP processing, slicing and dicing is often performed along a time axis to analyze trends and find time-based patterns in the data.
2.OLAP queries typically aggregate many rows of the fact table into a relatively small number of summary results.
3.The front tool of data warehouse, OLAP, is an advanced DSS tool, which is developing rapidly during the recent decades.
4.In contrast, an OLAP system often spans multiple versions of a database schema, due to the evolutionary process of an organization.
5.Separating OLTP data from OLAP data allows you to optimize for the access patterns of each technique.
6.OLAP dimensions provide a way to categorize a set of related data attributes that together describe one aspect of a business measurement.
7.Olap4j is an API that allows you to connect to an OLAP database, query its metadata, and execute MDX queries, from the Java environment.
8.Pre-aggregation is one of the most effective techniques in OLAP to ensure quick responses to user queries in data warehouses.
9.An OLAP system is market-oriented and is used for data analysis by knowledge workers, including managers, executives, and analysts.
10.Note that when using OLAP data sources, you will not be able to use null in the else statement, and will need to use a static value.