1.a poem written for or about a particular person, thing, or event
1.Firstly, a set of linearized ODEs are formulated in terms of absolute coordinates without considering any constraint in the system.
2.Odes are often written for a special occasion, to honor a person or a season or to commemorate an event.
3.Finally, a cut-joint constraint matrix is generated to formulate a minimal set of ODEs for the original closed-loop mechanism system.
4.But then, amid the turmoil, Nur finds solace writing poetry: odes to his homeland and his lost love.
5.These new methods and the unique organizational scheme allow a significant increase in the number of ODEs amenable to group-theory solution.
6.The Book of Odes doesn't start out with the creation of the world.
7.With the exception of "To Autumn" which he wrote in September, he wrote all the odes between March and June of 1819.
8.Kong offered new interpretations on such problems as Confucius's bowdlerization and stylistic differences in odes .
9.With patriotic fervour he produced many odes showing his concern for his country and people.
10.Nanchu prosaic odes works mainly for the purpose of the Chu king entertainment, following by satire and chronicle styles.