1.八个一组的东西;【乐】八重唱(曲);八重奏(曲);八重唱[八重奏]演出小组;【韵】十四行诗 (sonnet) 的起首八行;【物】八偶;八重线,八角(体)
1.a piece of music written for a group of eight musicians or singers; a group of eight musicians or singers who perform together
1.The variant of octette
1.When OCTETS is used as the string length unit, the length of a string is determined by simply counting the bytes of the string.
2.This coding concept is called UCS-4; four octets of bits are used to represent each character specifying the group, plane, row and cell.
3.It encodes the data in such a way that the mail transport agent is unlikely to modify the resulting octets.
4.The ultimate goal of streaming these parameters to a sequence of octets is to produce a basic structure for the exchange of information.
5.This function, as mentioned in SQL standard, returns the length of the input string in octets or bytes.
6.The first byte defines the number of octets to follow, or if it is 7F or less, it is the value of an ASCII equivalent.
7.Notice that none of the attribute types in javaObject stores the actual string of octets that represents the object being stored.
8.The length of any one label is limited to between 1 and 63 octets.
9.Number of times a received frame containing an integral number of octets failed the frame check sequence ( FCS ).
10.LAN network address The first three octets of an IP address should be the same for all computers in the LAN.