products with built-in/planned obsolescence(= designed not to last long so that people will have to buy new ones)
1.[Biology]The derivative of obsolescent
2.the state of becoming old-fashioned and no longer used, especially because of being replaced by something newer and more effective
1.Trade barriers will fall, just as the WTO hoped, and with the same result that should have been its goal all along: its own obsolescence.
2.Models (if they are even created) are saved to a local or shared drive, used for a time, and allowed to fall into obsolescence.
3.Every Apple (AAPL) product has obsolescence built in, and if I lose my laptop's power cord, they charge me $80 for a new one.
4.The wheels of industry must be kept turning. 'Built-in obsolescence' provides the means: goods are made to be discarded.
5.Upgrading and purchasing new hardware is a costly proposition, and with the rate of technology obsolescence , it is eventually a losing one.
6.Stargazers: I used to be convinced they had a lot to offer, but now I'm wondering if they're suffering from planned obsolescence .
7.Nothing says human obsolescence like an army of ruthlessly efficient, sentient robots.
8.The trick is to accept your gadget's obsolescence at the time you buy it, so you feel no sense of loss when it's discontinued next fall.
9.Speed and technological obsolescence are the only protections that matter.
10.Globalization, long championed by the United States, has pushed the Cold War mentality of military alliances into obsolescence.