1.Kate Middleton as a beautiful fresh face on the scene was starting to be covered obsessively by the British papers.
2.Prior to his nomination to the vice-presidency earlier this year, Daniel Morris was an intensely-some would say obsessively -private person.
3.Going on, as we do, obsessively trying to improve our conditions, can become an end in itself, and a pointless distraction.
4.I became besotted with a girl in my class - I wanted to look good for her -and I began to exercise obsessively.
5.Even if when I had a little hope, I thought obsessively what would happen over the last few days or the last hours before dying.
6.And Glass in turn wrote obsessively, devotedly, as if of some plaster saint, about his elder brother Seymour, his Literary Ideal.
7.They do this repeatedly, passionately, even obsessively, day in, day out, not just once or twice a year.
8.I believe most entrepreneurs go into a new business convinced they will not fail and then act obsessively at every turn to avoid failure.
9.So, at the age of 47, after 25 years of obsessively pursuing my dream, that dream changed.
10.i am a plus-sized girl living in a country where the females are obsessively trying to lost weight.