1.Contact and Phone number types remind you to call or send message to someone directly from Handy Alarm Pro notifier view.
2.Today, the company is rolling out a new notifier, this time in the desktop format with an Adobe Air application.
3.A domain notifier knows about every change to any object in the model , and broadcasts these changes to domain listeners .
4.When the Notifier Actor is started (you'll see where this happens later) the act method is called.
5.You specify business logic that the Notifier uses to gather push requests, including which remote devices should be notified.
6.If the component_name is SIS, then this is the name of the Notifier, gateway, or carrier that you are setting a property for.
7.First, the Consumer subscribes to the "notifications" destination, the same destination that our Notifier Actor publishes its messages to.
8.You can have more than one Notifier running within a single instance of the MobiLink synchronization server.
9.It isn't free, unfortunately, but at just 81 cents it might as well be. You can get your copy of Gmail Label Notifier from the Market.
10.The best feature of this app is that you can set the notifier to only display updates from specific groups.