1.[Law]someone who has the legal authority to make a document official
1.A notary 's failure deprived him of the sum of ten thousand francs, which was all that he possessed in his brother's right and his own.
2.but , " said the notary , " you are aware that the law does not allow a son to be entirely deprived of his patrimony ?
3.As you know, a few years ago I achieved one of my lesser dreams and became a notary public.
4.Okay. So thank you. I think I figured it out. Remember that notary public who cheated on me?
5.Contact overseas clients, is responsible for the company's products overseas registered notary, embassy certification.
6.A notary and at least two officials are required to be present during the legal process to transfer the property.
7.Article 16 A notary shall be a notarial practitioner who meets the conditions as prescribed by this Law and is working in a notarial office.
8.the marchioness drained the glass at a single draught , and then turned on her pillow , repeating , - " the notary , the notary ! "
9.the credit document to which a notary public has legally granted the effectiveness of forcible execution.
10.Add a notary clause that complies with the notary law. The notary acknowledgement in Appendix B is such a clause.