1.There was no doubt that a prompt "normalization" of an intersexual body was always "in the best interest of the child" .
2.As hinted at above, we needed to work out a few technical details when pulling DITA into the normalization processing stream.
3.Normalization usually involves piding a database into two or more tables and defining relationships between the tables.
4.Suffice it to say that anyone wanting to create a database system must be familiar with the concept of normalization.
5.Because each pixel in the array has its own gain value and zero signal level, the image would be very non-uniform without normalization.
6.In the absence of table joins, de-normalization is often used in HBase to keep related information in one table.
7.You could apply the concept of normalization to remove redundant portions of the tables and place them in secondary tables.
8.He said literature and the arts are critical to what he called normalization after decades of military rule.
9.Its publication signalled the ending of the separation between the two nations and the beginning of relationship normalization.
10.Note that this is an extremely informal discussion of the topic of database normalization, and does not cover all of the issues in depth.