1.When such a control word has no parameter or has a nonzero parameter, it is assumed that the control word turns on the property.
2.Value is set to any nonzero value , the value is interpreted as a bit mask that specifies those processors eligible for selection .
3.It is proved that every nonzero ideal in a finite-dimensional semi-simple algebra over a field is generated by an unique central idempotent.
4.One of the few notions from game theory to penetrate the popular culture was the distinction of zero-sum and nonzero -sum games.
5.In a positional notation, a zero in a more significant digit place than the digit place of the most significant nonzero digit of a numeral.
6.In a nonzero-sum you could be doing better than the other guy and both be doing terribly.
7.The same reasoning applies for any nonzero "tensor" field; a vector is a special case of a tensor.
8.So, assuming there's at least one row in the Users table, this SQL will always return a nonzero count of records.
9.Specifies whether the button is to be highlighted. A nonzero value highlights the button; a 0 value removes any highlighting.
10.Slight variations in resistance among the bridge legs generate some nonzero initial offset voltage.