1.Humans are beginning to return to such a state in the nonphysical through ascension, and this is the most beautiful of all to Hawk.
2.The war of the nonphysical is an age old battle that has occurred upon Terra beginning shortly after she exited the Great Central Sun.
3.All due to nonphysical forces vying to puff themselves up the dimensions thinking that this is what ascension is.
4.As the nonphysical is integrated in full in ascension, polarity ceases to be the life experience of any initiate whom chooses to ascend.
5.Humans were whole enough in their own field rotation and DNA to call a whole resource of nonphysical to participate.
6.The dream for writing was a dream for writing and included all the nonphysical of nature and earth that she would channel.
7.However such forms are cast due to lost of human holographic knowledge creating what appears to be a humanoid nonphysical vessel.
8.Consciousness therefore retracts for most species as the sun sets to focus upon nonphysical endeavors.
9.and by anchoring more unity within our field and form, between the physical and nonphysical, and with those others around us.
10.Jesus was a humble man who was a gifted channel of the nonphysical and listened to his inner guidance.