1.this is a bit of a semantic stretch, but it copes with implementations where a text file might not end with a newline .
2.Note that the split file named yaa did not finish with a newline character, so our prompt was offset after we used cat to display it.
3.For each of these newline-delimited records, the fields are extracted and checked for a match with any of the query words.
4.By default, xargs delimits input with a space (or newline) to produce a list of files to operate on.
5.We then substitute all of the line up to the newline with the last six characters before the newline plus a tab character.
6.Note that the interpreter inserts a newline before it prints the next prompt if the last line was not completed.
7.A still matches only at the beginning of the string, but may match at any location inside the string that follows a newline character.
8.Matches any number of occurrences of any character except newline .
9.JAR file manifest consists of a main section followed by a list of sections for inpidual JAR file entries, each separated by a newline.
10.The character which when preceded by an escape character represents the newline character.