1.James showed a bit of nervousness early on, shooting an airball on his first jumper.
2.When you present in front of a crowd, anxiety is often compounded by the belief that your nervousness is obvious.
3.Senior officials described nervousness within the administration about how quickly Afghanistan will be ready to take charge.
4.At all levels of the company, as with any new drug launching, there was a mix of excitement, circus, nervousness and hope.
5.She had no interest in him but did wonder if his robotic approach was a consequence of nervousness or if it was simply the way he was.
6.At the theater nervousness overtook me as I realized how much I wanted to make my parents proud.
7.She was slightly flurried and tingling in the cheeks, but it was more nervousness than either fear or favour.
8.China forward Yi Li showed some obvious nervousness by dribbling the ball off his body and out of bounds on two consecutive possessions.
9.But you've got to be careful and not wear your own nervousness as a holiday decoration.
10."Glad to meet you, " I said. Then, trying to hide my nervousness, I added, "How are you? "