1.Soviet Russia also didn't plan to alter its intention to carry out a revolutionary war in Eastern Europe (at least before the NEP began).
2.For a start, Mr Najib, prime minister since April, has said the NEP must adapt, stealing some of his opponent's thunder.
3.Why does the search for enemies seem to become so much more prominent in this period than in NEP?
4.She turned to see Zey Nep disguised as a refugee holding a blaster on her.
5.She met with him and his assistant Zey Nep in an alcove of the Outlander Club.
6.Ironically, the NEP was aimed to help small businessmen - the very same people that the Obama economy so desperately needs nowadays.
7.Laboratory report and the above Awards are kept in the NEP office . We welcome any request by members of the public to review them .
8.The number of nep and impurity is a import index which influences super fine yarn quality.
9.In the course of spinning, SCN (seed coat neps) whose proportion in nep is not large has a great effect on spinning quality.
10.Further complications arise since a given feed will have different values for NEM and NEP.