1.in a way that means "no"
2.in an adverse way
3.in a pessimistic or defeatist way
4.with the same electric charge as that of one or more electrons, shown by the symbol −
5.in a way that means 'no'
1.in a way that means "no"
2.in an adverse way
3.in a pessimistic or defeatist way
4.with the same electric charge as that of one or more electrons, shown by the symbol −
5.in a way that means 'no'
1.It noted that access to technology was another vital issue for Nigeria which it did not want to see negatively affected by more patents.
2.He tapped into a negatively charged belief about what it means to miss out on something or not get enough.
3.Chris Watling of Longview Economics, a consultancy, points out that commodity and equity markets seem to be negatively correlated.
4.However, their AMOLED displays, coupled with a smaller form factor, seem to have negatively impacted their endurance.
5.If you feel pressured into a choice or not in control of the conditions, you'll find even positive outcomes colored negatively .
6.So for some, eating a dessert is no big deal. For me, though, it had become a 'bad habit' that was negatively affecting my life.
7.Or to put it negatively, it may take a long time to realize that others are programming with sound and fury but producing nothing.
8.Any ophthalmic disorder may thus negatively impact on this process, especially if it is unrecognised in the early years of life.
9.Mineral deficiencies are more common than is often believed and can negatively impact the development and function of the growing brain.
10.Parents could be almost shocked and certainly surprised to see that how technology could negatively impact children's physical health.