1.not able to see things clearly if they are far away from you. The British word is short-sighted.
1.Four out of (every) five high school students in Taiwan are nearsighted.
2.You may have seen the portrait of Samuel Johnson peering at a book in his hand. As the painting shows, he was quite nearsighted.
3."Strange how nearsighted being invisible can make you, " said Dumbledore, and Harry was relieved to see that he was smiling.
4.Illiterate people, and our monkey cousins living in the wild, as a rule do not become nearsighted.
5.The reader, a frail creature with stubble of black hair and nearsighted eyes, began to cry.
6.People who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes.
7.Some of the heroes I wrote about were nearsighted housewives and overweight truck drivers, stout-hearted children and elderly widows.
8.I once asked some nearsighted friends how two people with eyeglasses kiss. they sayed: "one of them need to get rid of the eyeglasses. "
9.Conclusion Wearing progressive multi-focal spectacles will not increase the phoria degree in the teenager nearsighted.
10.Glasses friends wear white contact lenses can be worn outside the nearsighted frame glasses, basically does not affect the result.