Scottish nationalists
1.someone who believes that their group, state, or nation should be independent
2.someone who feels that their nation’s interests should be considered as more important than those of other nations
1.trying to achieve political independence for a particular group, state, or nation
2.believing that your nation’s interests should be considered to be more important than those of other nations
1.Beijing may have judged that, at a time of job losses and potential social unrest, it was prudent to throw a bone to nationalist sentiment.
2.The talk of Hitler in the White House ended forthwith, as if the analogy extended only when nationalist ideology is ruling the day.
3.The Calman commission was set up in London after his Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) edged out Labour in the Scottish elections of 2007.
4.Mr Kirchner's popular government is the most nationalist of any since the war.
5.Observers said the government was trying to balance nationalist sentiment with a pragmatic foreign policy.
6.Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek estimated the road would be finished in a few months. It took two years.
7.With an election approaching, Mr Erdogan may merely be trying to keep the nationalist opposition out of parliament by wooing its voters.
8.His Mahdi Army used to flaunt nationalist credentials in an effort not to be viewed as being in Iran's pocket.
9.My grand father was a police officer during Nationalist Regime and my grand ma was an orphan adopted by a French family in Shanghai.
10.Could Ahmadinejad build his conservative nationalist supporters into a movement capable of challenging Iran's dominant theocracy?