1.a pet dog, especially one that does not belong to a particular breed
1.President Barack Obama, who has a rich ethnic background, has called himself "a mutt" . It does not seem to have done him too much harm.
2.In the advertisement, Harvey is an unwanted mutt longing for a new owner as he waits in a rescue center's kennels.
3.Dante: Wow, Ive never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, your definitely take first place.
4.Dante: Wow, I've never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, you'd definitely take first place.
5."And I was just this . . . mutt! Before 'The Graduate, ' I felt that I would be fighting my whole life. I got fired a lot. "
6.A year ago, a mutt helped me fulfill one of my dreams.
7.Apparently, mutt stats each mail file twice, which tends to hurt performance more than normal.
8.As an aside, getting simple applications like xterm and mutt on Linux to support UTF-8 encodings can be quite challenging as well.
9.Any mutt can have puppies, but it takes a real dog to be a father. Just follow your heart.
10.All of this could have been avoided, I fumed, if Andy, a neighborhood mutt, had only stayed on his side of the street.