1.an offensive term for somebody who is unable or unwilling to speak
2.somebody who refuses to answer a charge in a court of law
3.a pad, clip, or other device used to reduce or alter in some way the tone of a brass or stringed instrument
4.a letter that is not pronounced
5.somebody who was formerly paid to act as a mourner at a funeral
6.an object used for making a musical instrument produce a sound that is softer and less loud
1.an offensive term for somebody who is unable or unwilling to speak
2.somebody who refuses to answer a charge in a court of law
3.a pad, clip, or other device used to reduce or alter in some way the tone of a brass or stringed instrument
4.a letter that is not pronounced
5.somebody who was formerly paid to act as a mourner at a funeral
6.an object used for making a musical instrument produce a sound that is softer and less loud
1.unwilling or unable to speak
2.saying nothing, or making no sound
3.felt or expressed without speech
4.refusing to answer a charge brought in a court of law
5.not pronounced, like the final "e" in "cheese"
6.a letter that is mute is not pronounced
1.unwilling or unable to speak
2.saying nothing, or making no sound
3.felt or expressed without speech
4.refusing to answer a charge brought in a court of law
5.not pronounced, like the final "e" in "cheese"
6.a letter that is mute is not pronounced
1.to moderate the volume of a sound
2.to make a color or light less bright or harsh
3.to reduce or alter in some way the tone of a brass or stringed instrument using a pad, clip, or other device
4.to make a sound less loud
5.to make something less strong or extreme
1.to moderate the volume of a sound
2.to make a color or light less bright or harsh
3.to reduce or alter in some way the tone of a brass or stringed instrument using a pad, clip, or other device
4.to make a sound less loud
5.to make something less strong or extreme
1.Far commoner were the muting masks that had no mouth openings and were used for punishment when a girl had too many complaints.
2.Merchantmen had to be content with extinguishing their cabin lights, muting the radios, and hoping for the best.
3.I recommend skipping the nightly news entirely, but muting just the business news might be enough.
4.Like the last muting of winter as it ends.
5.As well, you can animate the muting to do such things as having particle bursts being intermittently emitted.
6.China must be careful to avoid Japan's practice of muting the effects of restructuring through unsustainable government spending.
7.Finally, product placements are one means for overcoming the all-to-common problem of advertising avoidance via zipping, zapping and muting.
8.In muting its criticism of the yuan, the Obama administration is, in part, taking the Chinese government at its word.
9.There was a muting in the camp because they weren't given enough to eat and the ring leaders were shot .
10.Typically, guitar riffs make use of fast tremolo picking, and heavy palm muting for a percussive effect.