1.to eat something using your teeth and jaws in a noisy way
1."It'll help you avoid mindless munching, " she said. When you snack throughout the day, it's easy to lose track of how much you've eaten.
2.When they beat Arsenal at their place last season, they were noisier than John Prescott munching his way through a 12-pack of crisps.
3.The dinner was almost over, the Tsar got up, and still munching a biscuit, came out on the balcony.
4.He threw off his pack and went into the rush-grass on hands and knees, crunching and munching, like some bovine creature.
5.While I was sitting there, munching a delicious potato and trying to get used to the smoke, I felt a pair of eyes resting on me.
6.Her humiliation ate away the last of her confidence like silkworms munching on mulberry leaves.
7.Insects are a staple for most frogs, like this young bullfrog munching on a freshly snagged dragonfly.
8.If you want to sit on the couch in an old T-shirt and shorts while munching on Doritos, no one will give you any flack for doing so.
9.Up the trail about 10 yards, a good-sized grizzly was munching on berries, his head down.
10.Mind you, if you're like me and such a resolution would be unthinkable - it's simply yet another good excuse to keep munching.