1.containing, secreting, resembling, or covered with mucus
1.Actually, milk does not cause a build up of mucous at all - you can drink as much of it as you like and it will have no effect on your cold.
2.The mucous is only a reflection of the desire to stop the momentum of change offered by nature in its cycle of rebirth each springtime.
3.NF3 is not hazardous by skin contact and is a relatively minor irritant to the eyes and mucous membranes.
4.Can be in charge of nasally when necessary attract, but attract a movement to want light, do not injure bronchus mucous membrane.
5.Secondary syphilis has multi pal lesion on skin and mucous membrane, to ask the history and to examine carefully, and to avoid misdiagnosis.
6.The function of the cutaneous bridge is not so great as that of the mucous bridge, thus the skin may be cut more.
7.Upon the bottom layer are tones weaving a tapestry that are black, gray, brown, mucous green and mucous yellow in color.
8.People here chew betel nut all the time. The seed itself is an irritant. Most of the patients suffer from oral fibrosis of mucous membrane.
9.Bacterial conjunctivitis is a microbial infection involving the mucous membrane on the surface of the eye.
10.Thick, sticky, stringy mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, AS during a cold or other respiratory infection.