1.The next section covers a bit more about this neat approach to localization (l10n) in Mozilla chrome applications.
2.In the case of a Java applet, a CSS-rendering library separate from Mozilla's library is required if stylesheet support is to be available.
3.Both claim to be proponents of the open web, but at least here, it would seem that Mozilla is the one taking the more open approach.
4.Transparency is not just a natural inclination but a necessity, says Mitchell Baker, who chairs the foundation.
5.Mozilla prefers Firefox to be abbreviated as Fx or fx, though it is often abbreviated as FF.
6.So far, with that style sheet declaration alone, Mozilla does not do anything to help see the structure of the document.
7.The only difference between the skin group used for Internet Explorer and Mozilla is the stylesheet.
8.The JavaAdapter class of the org. mozilla. javascript package makes it especially easy to add listeners to components in Rhino.
9.The same applies to Mozilla's applications for reading news, mail, chat sessions, or editing HTML -- it is all simply rendered XML.
10.In February of this year, Mozilla announced its shift to a new, rapid release cycle, and the company has stuck to the plan.