1.a trademark for a typesetting machine run from a keyboard that activates a unit that sets type by inpidual characters
1.a plant or animal that is the only member of the taxonomic category to which it belongs
2.an artwork created by pressing on paper laid on an inked metal plate or sheet of glass. Although similar prints can be made, each one will be unique.
1.Notably, Times New Roman, as Morison made it, did not contain a true italic, but one that was an in-house standard at Monotype.
2.A monotype is an image taken from a flat plate that is painted, rolled or itself, printed with ink.
3.Caloric Calculation of Monotype Evaporator and Margin Calculation of Diathermanous Average Temperature
4.Monotype Imaging Announces Access and Delivery of Scalable Fonts and Text Rendering Technologies to Qualcomm's BREW Developers
5.Thinking on Medical Mode of Price Fixing to the Monotype Disease