misplaced confidence/optimism/fear
misplaced loyalty
1.a misplaced feeling or opinion is not appropriate for a particular situation or is directed toward the wrong person
2.put in the wrong place
1.The past participle and past tense of misplace
1.As my body returns to me, I feel as if I'm shrugging into a comfortable old sweater that had been misplaced for a couple of years.
2.Discuss these rules with your youngster at the beginning of each new activity and review the consequences of misplaced priorities.
3.Quantitative analysis of misplaced pedicle screws in the thoracic spine: how much pullout strength is lost?
4.This misplaced focus is often the by-product of an overly strong focus on achieving a particular appraisal rating.
5."If not for this misplaced activism, we might have had an answer five years earlier, " Dr. Jaffe said.
6."Frequent comparisons with India and commentary positioning China as a substitute destination is misplaced, " said the Nasscom report.
7.O. K. Just a moment. and I'll check on it for you. Well, sir, your baggage seems to have been misplaced.
8.While the latter is often misplaced when making performance evaluation, or has a narrow practical application.
9.Mr. Obama's praise for Randolph, which he said had been "one of the worst schools in Colorado, " seems misplaced.
10.ON A humid stretch of Pacific coast in one of the poorest parts of the Americas, somebody seems to have misplaced a chunk of Manhattan.