1.the feeling of hating that a man has for women
1.Abstract: The western concept of the sublime overflows with masculinist bias and its major theorists, Burke and Kant suffer from misogyny.
2.Perhaps it's your thinly veiled racism and patronising misogyny that she finds offensive; I can sympathise.
3.Women are exalted, and sometimes the misogyny you see is actually a reaction to intense desire.
4.A misogyny -fuelled campaign against Mrs Clinton could send women back to the Democrats in their millions.
5.The typical defense to a charge of misogyny within the faith is that the covering of women means that they are more valued.
6.So should the habit of showing female models part-naked , or in poses suggesting bondage, betray an element of misogyny in the industry?
7.What I am worried about is the way some porn sites and movies deliberately tie cruelty and misogyny and hate into those sex acts.
8."Misogyny" means the sentiment or the topic of distorting and belittling the female's image, pushing all faults to the female in literature.
9.But women react to these psychological elements and understandably and accurately see them as a kind of misogyny.
10.From the west to the east, there is a ubiquitous phenomenon of misogyny existing in different societies and culture.