1.a unit for measuring length in the metric system. There are 1,000 millimeters in a meter.
1.But only a diameter of less than half a millimeter of fiber optic cable to be made of thick copper wire cable than carry more information.
2.And imagine, you're going to be able to have swarms of these six-millimeter robots available to run around.
3.The deep thud of a 155-millimeter howitzer echoes off the mountains as what looks like an artillery shell speeds from the gun barrel .
4.38-millimeter diameter: This Patek Philippe model is an evolution of an older model, which had a smaller face.
5.Recently, uniplanar antennas have been used in many applications in millimeter-wave systems.
6.He said a 9-millimeter pistol, said to have been used in the shooting, has been recovered from the site.
7.Caenorhabditis elegans, as the roundworm is properly known, is a tiny, transparent animal just a millimeter long.
8.And so I would argue that if I can measure the length of a student to one millimeter accuracy that should settle the issue.
9.The results from the pollen densitometers indicate the number of pollen grains sucked into a device per square millimeter of the aperture.
10.Millimeter-wave cloud radar is an effective method to make up the traditional means of measuring cloud.