1.a piece of equipment that repeats a regular beat, used by musicians to help them to play music at the right speed
1.If you happen to set the metronome at this intermediate speed, you might struggle at it for long periods of time and build up a speed wall.
2.That's because the old idea about time was that it was like a cosmic metronome keeping a regular and constant beat throughout the universe.
3.The Metronome garbage collector's performance lets you achieve predictable execution down to a precision of a few milliseconds.
4.These vibrations turn the ion into a sort of superfast metronome.
5.The metronome is for setting the tempo and for checking your accuracy. It is not a substitute for your own internal timing.
6.If you can play along with a metronome, even if its only a simple beat, that will get you farther than you can imagine.
7.Metronome's approach is to pide the time that consumes GC cycles into a series of increments called quanta.
8.Use Encore's metronome to practice with a backing track: simply press record, play your own backing riff and then loop it.
9.In certain situations, Metronome's short pause-time guarantees are insufficient for an application's RT characteristics.
10.To schedule a GC quantum deterministically, Metronome dedicates the alarm thread to act as the heartbeat mechanism.