I think
1.an old word meaning “I think.” This is sometimes still used in a humorous way.
1.But methinks, dear sir, you look pale; as if the travel through the wilderness had been too sore for you.
2.Methinks I can remember my last glance at it, just as the iron-plated lid fell down.
3."Methinks that the moment my legs began to move, my thoughts began to flow. "
4.Your last two letters, methinks, have more nerve and will in them than usual, as if you had erected yourself more.
5.Ah, well, methinks tha he thinks tha if he took off'is clothes, he'd have a lower Armor Check penalties.
6.Methinks it were but poor courtesy, and cold regard to Holy Church to leave him afoot here in the forest.
7.Taking just a couple seconds to search 100MB of files (for multiple simultaneous word occurrences) is quite fast, methinks.
8.Methinks the assailant did NOT object to the hug and it was her parents that did.
9."Peabody doth protest too much, methinks, " it said, referring to the US miner's "long and convoluted defence" of its new offer.
10.Methinks I see thee, now thou art so low, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb.