I cannot understand the mentality of football hooligans.
a criminal/ghetto mentality
1.a particular attitude or way of thinking, especially one that you do not approve of
1.They don't care what you look like; they care what they're going to look like, so try and take that mentality in with you.
2.Bryant's ego was an innate existence that has made him focus on honing his skills and mentality towards building a legacy stamped by rings.
3.He said only a couple of words, but he made me understand Juventus'mentality and how it is expected to behave in this group.
4.He sees the FDA mentality now as: "It's got to be so safe that we're not going to be criticized ever" for approving a drug.
5.Have such thoughts, best not to say it, or people will look down on you from the bottom of my heart, this is a very retarded mentality.
6.Life should be relaxed, do not too much pressure on yourself, what would be given the mentality of what kind of life.
7.In a word, Po Chai in the mentality of the cold outside the heat, looking like a peony flower bud did not release.
8.The U. S. , with its antitrade mentality, could tumble into a similar trap.
9."He has the mentality and the technique to be one of the greats and he has got to play, " said the Hammers boss.
10.'The mentality now is, if I'm not at my computer working, I'm not producing income, ' he says.