1.a device shaped like a funnel, used to channel the voice in one direction and increase its volume
1.to speak using a megaphone, or say something through one
1.He said the car reached 94 mph before a trooper, calling out instructions from a megaphone, helped him slow down and turn off the engine.
2.Thursday night, Bryant found a megaphone and delivered a final answer even Regis Philbin would not question.
3.There was just one announcement over the megaphone, about 30 minutes before the ship tilted to its side.
4.The first time the Orc put his hands up like a megaphone and said, "My life for the Horde" , and the second time something else.
5.FOR close to three decades America and Iran have had little to say to each other officially except by megaphone.
6.He uses the megaphone at express stops, where the noise is too great for his voice to be heard ordinarily, and calls for redemption.
7.He also criticized the US and Britain for their "megaphone diplomacy" in trying to persuade Sudan to accept a UN force in troubled Darfur.
8.More than a decade later, and with another bull market in full flow, the authorities have tried to use the megaphone again.
9."Megaphone" patterns like this one often precede near-term price weakness.
10.In one confrontation, a Buddhist monk with a megaphone pleaded for calm and told soldiers: "Don't shoot. Think about your country. "