1.an expert in a particular subject
1.Maven is gaining recognition as a general build system and is beginning to outrun Java technology.
2.Maven automatically compiles classes that have changed before packaging the artifacts, so you do not have to worry about this.
3.The next stop on this Groovy roadshow is to plug it into a build process, specifically my maven. xml file.
4.Maven introduces the concept of a common repository of JAR files accessible through a publicly available Web server (called ibiblio).
5.So, you've got a nicely woven Maven project, and you'd like to test Jester on your unit tests (or at least on a group of tests).
6.Maven is a set of standards, a repository format, and a piece of software used to manage and describe projects.
7.His mother's brother did, too. Looking back on it, you might say the genes preordained that he would be a basketball maven.
8.To understand the difference between Maven and a traditional build tool, consider the process of building a JAR file and an EAR file.
9.Completely scrapping Ant or Maven and using Groovy for the entire build process would be a bit extreme in this case.
10.Be prepared to wait a while to download your maven repository and build the Shindig WAR file.