1.an afternoon performance of a play, movie, etc.
1.I loved to see him pull up to the theater in his convertible to pick me up after a matinee, his smile flashing.
2.Leung's relaxed charm and matinee-idol looks make it easy to overlook the complexity of his performances.
3.When you're having a slow day so you slip out for a matinee at the movies, remind yourself how terrific it is to set your own hours.
4.Next day, they went ahead with the scheduled afternoon matinee with about a third of those who had actually bought tickets in attendance.
5.Rudolph Valentino was the matinee idol of his day.
6.Every fine lady must be in the crowd on Broadway in the afternoon, in the theatre at the matinee, in the coaches and dining-halls at night.
7.come down and meet me to morrow , " he said , " and we ll go to the matinee.
8.Red Alert is back, with its fun, Saturday-matinee take on alternative history.
9.After school we escorted our teacher downtown in a body to a special matinee.
10.I don't know if you remember that at all, but Robert Goulet was quite the matinee idol.