1.In the masterfully comic "Saturday Teatime, " a woman trying to relax in a flotation tank is hijacked by memories of her past.
2.They masterfully describe the social conditions of England and France in 1775, the year in which Dickens sets the beginning of his novel.
3.As Nuremberg was a publishing and art town, there was never a shortage of talent able to engrave shapes into slate masterfully .
4.This pygmy seahorse is only about a half-inch tall and has flesh that blends masterfully well with the sea fans it lives among.
5."I'll talk to you later, " he said, and put his lips masterfully to hers.
6.On the plus side, fears that China's state-owned enterprises are masterfully mapping out a plan for world dominion appear fanciful.
7.It's one of the masterfully handled denouements we've seen in Chinese movies, or movies from any country, for a long time.
8.The front-runner in Sunday, July 3's national elections, Yingluck has campaigned masterfully.
9.The empty spaces in his paintings masterfully combine with the painted images, creating a Ying yang harmony of visual contentment.
10.Operating theatre, filled with metallic glare of machinery- surgeon leans over patient - 'Scalpel' he commands masterfully.