1.a song in digital format created by combining parts of different songs, e.g. the music track of one song and the vocal track of another
1.The value to the variable can be passed from another operator (as is shown in the next step) or even from the mashup URL at run time.
2.In addition, you can integrate two or more of these Web APIs to create something new and unique, known as a mashup.
3.IBM Mashup Center provides many ready-to-use widgets that you can use for building mashup applications.
4.You are now ready to incorporate your HTML form widget into the sample mashup application described in the Sample scenario section.
5.The term mashup originally defined a technique in music for mixing two or more songs in a manner that created an entirely new piece.
6.You are, in fact, a mashup of what you choose to let into your life. You are the sum of your influences.
7.The term mashup is commonly used to describe the technique of producing a new song by mixing together two or more existing songs.
8.A mashup page is comprised of a set of ECM widgets laid out with their configurations and an event flow between the widgets.
9.Mashup applications provide valuable features in a software development environment that cannot be matched by any other stand-alone tool.
10.IBM Mashup Center provides a ready-to-use widget for embedding HTML fragments in a mashup page.