1.This highlights something many online marketers have known for a while: user generated content can be very beneficial.
2.Most search marketers are used to looking at things from a single perspective: that of a search marketer.
3.Marketers did such a fine job of selling the American way of life in recent decades that cigarettes are still associated with cowboys.
4.Marketers are also beginning to skip the journalist as a middleman to produce their message and are instead producing it themselves.
5.Many marketers will tell you that making money online is all about having a list.
6.Because information is considered an asset with economic value, it is often processed and sold to mass marketers.
7.The sites are trying to move beyond banner ads and develop ways to integrate marketers into the fabric of their online communities.
8.Here are a few ways that self-promoters and marketers are already trying to game the social networking system.
9.Alternatively, the software would give product marketers quantitative data as to how much people really like a product.
10.The marketers make Valentine's Day seem like a "must-participate" occasion, as if you're some sort of party-pooper for not joining in.