4.中国柑橘(树) (=mandarin orange) 柑橘酒;橙黄色(染料)
4.中国柑橘(树) (=mandarin orange) 柑橘酒;橙黄色(染料)
1.a senior official in a government department. This word often shows that you think officials like these have too much power.
2.a senior government official in China in the past
3.a mandarin orange
4.the official language of China
1.a senior official in a government department. This word often shows that you think officials like these have too much power.
2.a senior government official in China in the past
3.a mandarin orange
4.the official language of China
1.Then, rich Britons with an eye on the future did not splash out on Chinese nannies so that their offspring might learn Mandarin.
2."I'd like it to be next month, but it depends on how fast we develop the market here, " he tells me through a Mandarin interpreter.
3.Any native or foreigner with at least a high school diploma and a sincere interest in learning Mandarin is welcome to classes at the CLC.
4.But on their buying trips, Ms. Bradford said, "Peter did my negotiating in Mandarin, which saved me a great deal of money. "
5.Or watching a film in Mandarin Chinese two-channel, which you wish to shield a channel just to Mandarin, do not know how to do?
6.The amount of Mandarin Chinese you hear while walking the docks gives you a pretty good clue to what's driving the boat industry in Asia.
7.One of the members of our party was a native of Chengdu, and of the five Americans, everyone but Hugh and I spoke Mandarin.
8.My first friends were all English majors, happy to help me with Mandarin and shopping while practicing their English.
9.I miss being able to switch around Mandarin, English and Singlish, you know.
10.It has never been a better time to be able to read Mandarin and a financial statement.