economic/financial/social malaise
a serious malaise among the staff
1.a general feeling of being worried, unhappy, or not satisfied; a feeling that you are slightly sick, although you cannot say what exactly is wrong
2.a situation in which a society or organization is not operating effectively
1.While China is a growing rival to Japan, it also looks like one of the best routes to lift Japan out of its malaise.
2.And yet the more they scrimp on investment, the more joblessness, especially among the young, will deepen Japan's sense of malaise.
3.Parker describes the early '80s as a frantic time, with the company going through "some choppy water within a general industry malaise. "
4.The economy basically was kind of going nowhere and had inflation, which didn't seem to get cured -- kind of a malaise in the economy.
5.On the political side, the long-term fix to the euro's malaise is said to be a fiscal union, a true political federation.
6.Liver cancer is often asymptomatic at early stage. Patients may experience weight loss and malaise.
7.Losing size, in this line of thought, isn't just a byproduct of economic malaise, but a strategy.
8.New research into the UK workforce, to be published this week, reveals that the British malaise is as serious as any.
9.But Chalk believes that the restrictions on speculators introduced so far treat the symptoms, not the causes, of the malaise.
10.The sporadic violence is not only a symptom of this economic malaise , but a contributing factor to it.