1.a bite-sized seaweed square in Japanese cuisine that is coated with rice, rolled by hand, and filled with fish and vegetables
1."This just emphasizes to me that it will be quite some time before they're moving, " said Dean Maki of Barclays Capital.
2.A listener named Maki would like to know if the test known as the TOEIC is popular in the United States.
3.Dean Maki of Barclays Capital says that falling wealth tends to affect consumer spending over many years rather than right away.
4.Maki said the central bank may find a middle ground by upgrading its description of spending growth, perhaps to "solid" from "moderate. "
5.Some of my favorite foods are nori maki (nori-rice rolls with veggies and avocado), guacamole, banana-nut shakes, and oatmeal-apple cookies.
6.When asked what happens if the city does run out of bottled water supplies, Maki states simply, "What can we do? "
7.Todo Maki , a rookie lawyer, joins a law office run by seven female attorneys who work to help women who have become victims of crime.
8.Mr Maki argues that the bill is popular neither among his constituents nor among the Koreans he knows.
9.The most obvious choices, Mr. Maki says, are to reduce spending (ouch), raise taxes (yuck), let inflation run (gasp) or default (thud).
10.His colleague, medical oncologist Robert Maki, said Feiler's age was not in his favor.