1.a woman whose job is to clean rooms, serve meals, wash clothes, etc. in a house; a woman whose job is to clean rooms in a hotel
2.an old word meaning “a girl or young woman who is not married”
1.21If you refuse to give in, we will testify that you sent your maids away for there was a young man here with you.
2.You roam from town to town, bedding merchants' wives and temple maids, and you think you know something about love.
3.Mrs. Yao shouted to the maids to let down the bamboo screen at the front of their covered cart, and not to peep out too much.
4.It might be if it was kept nice, but the maids are lazy, and I don't know how to make them mind. It worries me though.
5.The remaining maids and the dairyman usually gave themselves another turn on the pillow, and did not appear till a quarter of an hour later.
6.Turning her head round, she pinned on her cap, and hurriedly kissing her grey hair, ran back to the maids who were shortening her skirt.
7.Jouvenel in his book, On Power, (1) points out the only form of wealth among Australian savages was their serving maids.
8.Abigail quickly got on a donkey and, attended by her five maids, went with David's messengers and became his wife.
9.Only two or three of the maids, Tess learnt, slept in the dairy-house besides herself; most of the helpers going to their homes.
10.Defying their union, which had endorsed Mr Obama, a procession of Hispanic maids and short-order cooks headed to Hillary Clinton's corner.