1.阴谋, 图谋
1.secret, complicated, and clever plans and actions intended to achieve a goal
1.If you've ever been on the receiving end of such anxious machinations, you know they make you want to run, not bond.
2.You know better than anyone how vital it is to maintain the independence of the Fleet from the machinations of politicians.
3.In Latin America, the ongoing machinations surrounding last month's disputed presidential election result continued to dominate the news.
4.Your friend, meanwhile, has no need of these mental machinations.
5.These lawyers, this jury, this straw-and-water judge, these machinations of fate, did not basically disturb or humble or weaken him.
6.It is, after all, easy to blame trade imbalances on the evil exchange rate machinations of others.
7.As the Jedi's ranks were wiped out by the machinations of the emergent Empire, Obi-Wan went into hiding on Tatooine.
8.Even the mighty machinations of your dark masters cannot prevent what is about to be sprung upon you!
9.Partly thanks to his own machinations, there is no obvious successor if Mr Berlusconi quits.
10.This may be the type of easing from which homeowners can gain relief, not more machinations at the short end of the yield curve.