‘Milk’ begins with (an) M/‘M’.
milk 一词以字母 m 开头。
S, M and L(= small, medium and large)
heavy traffic on the M25
25 号高速公路上繁忙的交通
2.M 形状的东西;【印】= em
3.M (罗马数字) 1000. MCML = 1950
1.the 13th letter of the English alphabet. M is a consonant.
2.the roman numeral for 1,000
3.motorway: used in the names of large highways in the U.K.
1.I'm ready to help classmates and patiently explain their every questions on phone.
2.SORCERER: Quiet with your silly cookies -- I'm trying to concentrate!
3.I'm looking for someone to illustrate a food label with a classical old style cute and ironic drawing of a girl and a wolf.
4.I'm sure Aaron would love to work with him on the crossing and his final ball.
5."I disagree, " said the Castellan. "You should be able to have one without the other. I'm almost sure of that. "
6.But I'm happy to say that we've almost reached the point where we feel we can expose the first part of it.
7.Jerry: I'm supposed to see her again on Thursday, but can I go out with someone who actually likes this commercial?
8.And I'm going to go from one mixture to another mixture, and that's going to be the key to telling me if I'm in equilibrium or not.
9.And I also strongly encourage you, and I'm sure we'll also have these discussions afterwards, to think about, how do we actually prioritize?
10.SHE MEANS: I may be blowing this out of proportion, but I'm overwhelmed and, yes, I'm taking it out on you.