1.The discharge vessel is provided with a luminescent layer (17) comprising a mixture of at least a red and a green luminescent material.
2.The X-rays are first converted into visible light in a luminescent layer (also referred to as scintillator).
3.and the decorative beads may be made of a luminescent material, reflective material, or just common material.
4.A light-emitting element of the present invention includes a layer including a luminescent substance between a pair of electrodes.
5.Most fireflies are winged, which distinguishes them from other luminescent insects of the same family, commonly known as glowworms.
6.The borate of the invention may be used as a phosphor, especially in the manufacture of a luminescent transparent material.
7.In this paper, the temperature characteristic of super luminescent diode ( SLD ) used in a fiber optic gyroscope system is introduced.
8.The darkness make this very effective. If it does get bumped it emits a cloud of luminescent particles that confuses the predator.
9.The luminescent screen is disposed on an interior su*ce of a faceplate panel (12) with an aluminum layer (23) overlying the screen.
10.The temperature performance and stability of quantum-well super luminescent diode(SLD) are better than those of normal SLD.