1.a hormone produced by fat cells that indicates the degree of hunger to the hypothalamus of the brain
1.Hoping to understand obesity, brain researchers continued to hunt for molecules that, like leptin, control food intake.
2.Whether or not infant formula with leptin should be classified as a food or medicine was a question that would have to be resolved, he said.
3.Researchers originally thought leptin signaled the body to stop eating and hoped that it might be harnessed as a weight-loss drug.
4.However, leptin did not turn out to be the amazing cure-all for which scientists, physicians, and patients had hoped.
5.The system used to work like a charm. But these days, I churn out leptin like it's going out of style and his brain doesn't get the message.
6.Among the hormones that fuel these urges are ghrelin and leptin, known as the "hunger hormones. "
7.It is thought that leptin, in an attempt to balance energy levels in the body, could trigger SPARC to limit the storage of fat.
8.Results There was no significant difference in the level of leptin of the cirrhotic patients and the controls.
9.The research in rats supplemented with leptin is in its very early stages and needs to be replicated by further studies.
10.If you could get a clever leptin agonist molecule then there is of course huge potential for the treatment.