1.But measures to address substandard drugs do not figure at all in ACTA, the EU or Kenyan legislations that claim to target unsafe medicines.
2.In point of fact, depending only on the public voice and the legislations is far from enough to eliminate commercial bribery.
3.In recent years, legislations to protect the rights of homosexuals began to be passed overseas.
4.But the thief booty and lost property can be obtained suitably with Bona Fide or not, different countries have different legislations on it.
5.Such problems are related with no regulation in legislations or incomplete regulations, and no joint between or among the provisions.
6.The autonomous legislation relative other legislations the important safeguard national minority culture right to development superiority.
7.Again, through a number of national legislations and judicial practice cases, further shows the feasibility of softening.
8.The lag in legislations is one of the important reasons for the rapid growth of Cyber-crimes related to China's young people.
9.The environmental justice movement and its doctrines originate from US and play some positive role in US environmental legislations.
10.Relevant legislations and regulations related with quality management system have been identified and collected.