1.According to a person familiar with the matter, LG Display has received a large volume order for displays used in the iPad.
2.Due to the large volume of mails to be sent out, it may take up to a week for your upgrade to be received.
3.Some of the biases in the old system linger in the new, and that's another reason the NBS missed such a large volume of services output.
4.Telemarketing no large volume of calls is equal to a random shot, relying on luck to sell out a few sample products.
5.This RTTS technology is best used for that large volume of content that isn't being translated today.
6.Using just a simple set of commands, you can install a large volume of pre-built packages.
7.He said the large volume of -20 F that the number of weapons it can carry than the F-22 more, or even carrying anti-satellite missiles.
8.The Gateway system is one of the fastest machines available, giving us the power to offer quicker turnarounds on large-volume projects.
9.You can set up two or more disks or volumes to work together as a single, large volume.
10.With a large volume, the water tank is made of stainless steel or high-quality carbon steel, will not rust after the preservative treatment.