1.in South Asia, a unit of measurement used for land distances that varies in length from region to region, ranging from 1.6 to 4.8 km (1 to 3 mi)
1.He was one of the greatest power punchers in boxing history, with an awesome 43 KOs in 49 fights.
2.He has his way with the persistent fighter, as they share an assortment of brawls with head KOs and chloros.
3.While such a scenario might be popular at the local union hall or on the pages of the Daily Kos, nonetheless it makes no logical sense.
4.This is the version of the axioms of Kos several expressions, at least one controversy, and most concise strong one.
5.Consider the way Jay Kos bought himself a pair of pants in New York last Sunday.
6.Keith Olbermann demanded a Palin repudiation and the founder of the Daily Kos wrote on Twitter: "Mission Accomplished, Sarah Palin. "
7."We're fabricating bigger detectors and some of those are already underground and operational, " said Dr Kos.
8.The Hippocratic Collection probably is the remnant of the medical library of the famous Kos school of medicine.
9.It's better for society that millions of people get someplace a little faster while the relatively few Daily Kos readers wait a few seconds.
10.Born probably on the island of Kos, Greece, Hippocrates traveled widely before settling on Kos to practice and teach medicine.