1.In other words, she can only enjoy (&) because it is not at its place, at the place of her jouissance, where her jouissance can be realised.
2.If undoubtedly it did not represent it to you as easy, could you ignore in it the access for man to jouissance.
3.At this level there is posed the question of jouissance. It is a question and, as you see, it is even a scientific question.
4.It is there, it is at this place, that there ought to be posed the question of jouissance.
5.Since the characteristic of a sexual act that is grounded, is supposed to be precisely the fact of this lack of jouissance, somewhere.
6.The jouissance that he aims at is that of the Other, in so far as he is perhaps the only remainder of it.
7.I cannot see, if it were otherwise, why this jouissance should be marked by this sort of veil.
8.Jouissance-value, I said, is at the source of the economy of the unconscious.
9.What is at stake here obviously is to attack something which is of the order of the relationship (ressort) of desire to jouissance.
10.What does that mean in a particular case? That means she does not hold to it as essentially as man does as regards the nature of jouissance.