1.It has transferred authority over the issuance of corporate bonds to a more liberal regulator, the China Securities Regulatory Commission.
2.The stocks are mainly issued through a special market in a way similar to that of bond issuance.
3.Issuance of a Countervailing Duty Order .
4.Issuance activities of non-Exchange Fund paper slowed down in the year amid economic downturn and a poor external environment.
5.Lincoln was to see Stanton, Stanton explained to him the issuance of the order the possible consequences, so Lincoln recalled every.
6.The Issuing Bank shall be irrevocably bound by an amendment(s) issued by it from the time of the issuance of such amendment(s).
7.Q: There seem to be some tensions between India and China recently due to the visa issuance to an Indian military officer and other things.
8.There has been a revival in corporate-bond issuance, but the all-important small- business sector seems unwilling, or unable, to borrow.
9.First, the Court indicated in dicta that this consideration could be made as part of the issuance of the inpidual EIS governing each site.
10.Corporate issuance by emerging market borrowers is now running at at least twice the pace of sovereign borrowing.